New Year, New You: Stop Smoking This New Year!

Welcome to 2016! In this new year we’ve decided to give up! We want to help everyone give up...smoking that is!

Sure, January is the time when many a resolution is made, and just as many broken, but as one of the UK's best providers of e-cigarettes, we like to think we’re pretty good at this stop-smoking thing by now, and as the world’s number 1 smoking cessation method, e-cigs aren’t too bad at it either.

You’re sure to know that cancer and heart disease is more likely to afflict smokers than non-smokers, but did you know that the likelihood of cataracts, gum disease, impotence, complications along the optic nerve and fertility problems are all increased if you smoke?

Don’t Give Up Giving Up!

The first step is always going to be the most difficult, but you’ll be seeing health benefits just as soon as you do!

After 20 minutes your pulse rate returns to normal.

After 8 hours Nicotine and carbon monoxide levels in the blood reduce by more than half and oxygen levels return to normal.

Keep up with your resolution for 2 days and your body will be carbon monoxide free, giving your lungs a chance to start to clearing out mucus and other remnants of smoke.

As your bronchial tubes relax you’ll find breathing becomes easier, after 72 hours of smoke-free living, you should feel your energy levels are on the up.

The benefits aren’t all so medical text-book sounding, either, your sense of taste will begin to improve, so you can enjoy food more and as quitting gives an almost immediate improvement to blood flow, the effects if which will soon be apparent in your skin, hair and general fitness. Oh, and you will look precisely three times more attractive to prospective partners according to research!

Then there is, of course, the financial side of things – by giving up, the average smoker can save almost £2000 a year!

Be a Quitter

Stick to your decision to stop smoking and you’ll keep reaping in the health rewards:

In the weeks 2 – 12 your circulation will improve, helping you take on exercise and physical tasks with more energy and without the panting of wheezing you may have experienced in the past.

After 3 – 9 months those coughs and breathing issues can be a thing of the past completely as your lung function increases by up to 10%.

Keep it up for a year and celebrate yout milestone by knowing your risk of heart disease is now half what it once was!

15 years after your last cigarette and the chances of heart attack are now exactly the same as someone who never smoked.

“Wow, just 15 years of non-smoking can save me from 15+ years of enjoying a pack a day?” We hear you say, “Why bother quitting today then?” Because every day you do smoke makes you more likely to be included in the 50% of smokers who develop life-threatening illnesses due to their habit. Around 100,000 deaths are caused annually by smoking-related causes, giving up smoking gives you a whole new lease on life, and we know just how to get you there.

Quit Right with Nicolites

E-cigarettes are the world’s favourite stop-smoking method for a reason, we’ve even made you a pretty infographic to show you why, and if you’re still not convinced, why not check out just some of the reasons why Nicolites is the UK’s favourite e-cigarette brand?

Unlike traditional nicotine gum or patches which remove almost every aspect of smoking save for the nicotine itself, e-cigarettes provide a gentler way to ease yourself off tobacco, while still letting you keep the physical habits associated with smoking, which can be just as hard to break. A healthier, cheaper, better alternative to tobacco, e-cigarettes can provide a range of different strengths and flavours for you to stop smoking at your own pace and once and for all.

Our fantastic deals of Nicolites also mean you’ll have everything you need to stick to your guns and say goodbye to smoking forever. Learn more about our fantastic offers and step onto the path of better health!

So say hello 2016 and goodbye smoking, if you’ve got the will, we’ve got the way, check out our Nicolites kits and get started today!