Halloween at Health and Care

Halloween is fast approaching and for anyone who loves this spooky holiday we have plenty of products you may be interested in. From precision anatomical models with all the intricate details to macabre gifts and even real animal skeletons there is plenty to creep you out hiding in the nooks and crannies of the Medical Supplies category!

Our top selling Stan the skeleton is an anatomically correct model with moving limbs and realistic bones. He is one of the most popular selling model skeletons in the world and comes highly recommended for medical students and teachers. However we have also had customers purchase Stan the skeleton in order to play jokes on their friends and family! One man even tucked Stan into his bed one night to scare his wife.

Here are some of our top creepy products:

Something that was once alive

Rat Skull Rattus Rattus
A real rat’s skull! A great way to study small animal anatomy or alternatively a great trinket to creep someone out with.

Something to make your skin crawl

Castor-Bean Tick Ixodes Ricinus
A scale model of a skin burrowing tick with accurate detailing including feelers and 8 segmented legs!

Something educational

Trauma Moulage Kit
A collection of body parts, some even bleed fake blood! Educate yourself on how to treat wounds from burns and lacerations to full impalements. Complete with protruding intestines!

At Health and Care we stock a vast range of education and professional medical supplies. Although these items can be morbidly fascinating they are also for professional medical training. Visit Health and Care to browse both our novelty and professional ranges of anatomical products, all available with free UK delivery.