Fireactiv: Active Heat Relief

When aching muscles and joints attack it can feel like your body has been doused in flames, making even the simplest of daily tasks a trial on your aching back or limbs. We at Health and Care understand how painful burning muscles can be and we say fight fire with fire by using Fireactiv.

Heat relief is now a whole lot more effective and far more convenient than choking sprays, greasy ointments and the uneven temperature of hot water bottles with these simple to use, easy to wear, super-efficient supports.

Great Pads of Fire

Hailing from North Yorkshire, Fireactiv are all about changing the ease with which people can experience effective treatment. Non-invasive, safe to use and completely drug-free, Fireactiv heat penetrates up to 5cm into muscles and bones, deep enough for the body to maintain this healing heat for hours after initial use. This makes Fireactiv products some of the best examples of technology beating tradition when it comes to effectively treating age-old problems like aches and pains. 

Delivering long wave infrared radiation to weary muscles, Fireactiv is based on innovating technology which prevents heat from leaving the injured site by reflecting it back. Able to make an injury’s own heat be the source of its recovery, these game-changing heat pads means that there is nothing limiting the effectiveness of its treatment so long as you’ve got body heat to spare! 

Free from wires, batteries and without precariously handling heat pads fresh from a microwave, you can enjoy endless relief with Fireactiv. Benefit from the mild heat of the White Pad to wear throughout moderate exercise and for sustained heat therapy or the deep, intense heat of the Red Pad to get your muscles quickly responding.

Ideal for arthritis, tendinitis, deep tissue pain, bursitis, joint pains and muscular sprains, Fireactiv give warming, deep-reaching treatment to let you quickly get back to living pain-free.

Get Fired Up

Fireactiv can be just as much about prevention as cure, with its Red Heat Pads providing amazing heat to muscles in need of a warm up. Wearing Fireactiv in preparation for a work-out can make sure your muscles are fully flexible and in perfect condition for exercise. The White Pads are ideal for wear during light sports, to give muscles an extra boost of support. Infrared heat is said to help reduce the build-up of lactic acid, so with Fireactiv on your side, you’ll never have to worry about stitches or cramps ever again.

See Our Full Fireactiv Range

If you’re not for heat relief for extended periods then simply dampen the flames of your Fireactiv and wear it without a heat pad, Fireactiv are equally as effective as compression supports as heat relievers. Whether for your neck, back, wrist or ankle, Fireactiv can provide relief for a range of aches and pains that will have you all fired up and back on your feet in no time.

Visit Health and Care for a full range of Fireactiv Supports.