Are You Ready for New Age Kurling?

The Winter Olympic sport of curling has traditionally been confined to specialist sports centres with the most up to date facilities. With New Age Kurling, an indoor form of the curling game, anyone can now take part in this fun and exciting team sport. New Age Kurling is played indoors on any smooth surface, flat surface such as a sports hall, rather than ice.

Since its inception in 2000, New Age Kurling is now part of rehabilitation programmes across hospitals in the UK.  This is due to the game requiring no element of physical fitness but helps to exercise muscles that are not generally used. Indoor Kurling has also proved to be a huge success with day centres for the elderly and also primary school as part of their physical education lessons.

What sets New Age Kurling Apart from other indoor sports and games is that is can be played by both disabled and able-bodied people of all ages. New Age Kurling is now recognised by most disabled unions in the UK. As the sport can be played on almost any flat surface including school playgrounds, grass, carpet, vinyl, wood and marble it is an extremely versatile game that can be enjoyed by many people.

Curling is traditionally played on ice where two teams of players slide stones across the ice towards to target. It is a similar sport to bowls, shuffleboard and boule. Each player takes turns to slide the stone across the ice towards the target area. New Age Kurling can be played to the standard rules of curling providing a fun, indoor activity for beginners while also providing a challenge for those who want to master the sport.