The ProStretch: 4 Exercises for Leg Pain

Whether your calves, thighs or shins are affected, pain in the foot and leg can make stop you from exercising, or even performing basic daily tasks. While stretching can help to reduce this discomfort, it isn't always easy to reach all of the muscles, tendons or ligaments affecting you. If you've ever found yourself in this situation, the ProStretch Calf and Achilles Tendon Stretcher is a must-have product.

ProStretch Calf and Achilles Tendon Stretcher

Biomechanically designed to elevate your foot just the right amount, the stretching aid engages all parts of your lower leg, relieving tension and pain. Proven to yield better results than other stretching methods, you never have to waste time on an ineffective stretch again.

Ready to get started? Keep reading to discover some simple pain-relieving exercises you can try with your ProStretch.

Stretches for Calf Pain

This stretch specifically works the gastrocnemius muscle which is located in the upper calf, starting from the back of your knee. Firstly, place the ProStretch an arm's length away from a wall, the back of a chair or another object you can lean against, then follow these steps:

ProStretch Calf and Achilles Tendon Stretcher

  1. Insert your foot into the ProStretch rocker
  2. With all your weight on the ProStretch, stand on tip-toe with your other foot
  3. Lean forward, keeping your shoulders, hips and the ankle in the ProStretch aligned
  4. Keep your leg straight and roll the ProStretch back until you feel a stretch in your upper calf
  5. To cover all aspects of this muscle, repeat this exercise, but turn your hips first outwards, then inwards

Stretches for Achilles Tendon Pain

To relieve pain and increase the flexibility in your Achilles tendon, continue on from the first four steps in the calf pain stretch above:

  1. Once you start to feel a stretch in your calf, bend your knee slightly
  2. For a more intense stretch, keep your heel back
  3. Stay in this position for 30 seconds
  4. Roll the rocker forwards again and take a 5 second break
  5. Repeat this exercise two more times

Stretches for Hamstring Pain

Your hamstrings are located at the back of your upper thighs, between your hips and your knees. Follow this exercise to relieve pain and prevent further injury to the area:

  1. Place one foot in the ProStretch
  2. Take a large step backwards with your other foot
  3. Roll the rocker back so your heel is pointing towards the ground
  4. Stand straight with your head up and gradually push out your chest
  5. Once you feel a stretch in your hamstring, hold the position for 30 seconds
  6. Roll the rocker forwards again and take a 5 second break
  7. Repeat the exercise two more times

Stretches for Front of Leg Pain

The anterior tibialis runs along the front of your leg. Follow these steps to achieve a successful stretch:

  1. Position the ProStretch with the heel cup facing away from you
  2. Put your hands against a wall of another stable object
  3. Insert your foot into the ProStretch with your heel in the toe cups
  4. Stand up, straighten your leg and point both your toes
  5. Gradually lean into the wall until you feel a stretch in the front of your leg

Stretches for Plantar Fascia Pain

Your plantar fascia is located along the bottom of your foot. Both the stretches for you calf and your Achilles tendon should provide a sufficient stretch for this area as they involve your foot and toes.

Keep up the Good Work

These exercises won't just remedy the pain you have, they'll will lower your risk of injury in the future. While improving your strength, flexibility and range of motion may seem like a difficult task the ProStretch Calf and Achilles Tendon Stretcher makes conditioning your body easy. If your shoe size is larger than a UK size 13, have a look at the ProStretch Plus Stretching System instead.

Tags: Pain ManagementProduct FocusFoot and Ankle Pain